Harmonogram seminářů F7PMSBE (semestr B212)

Týden Par Datum Čas Počet hodin Místnost Téma Vyučující
1 2 16. 2. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Self study: Jobs, people, organizations - recruitment and selection, applying for a job Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
2 2 23. 2. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 The career ladder - freelancers, promotion, motivation Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
3 2 2. 3. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Management - organization structure, small companies, business ethics Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
4 2 9. 3. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Sales and Marketing - SWOT analysis, market research Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
5 2 16. 3. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Sales and marketing - marketing strategy, product description and features Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
6 2 23. 3. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Finance and Accounting - profits and loss account, balance sheet Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
7 2 30. 3. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Finance and Accounting - managing cashflow, profitability, unprofitability Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
8 2 6. 4. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Personal skills - time management, stress management Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
9 2 13. 4. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Motivation - motivation through job satisfaction, types of motivation Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
10 2 20. 4. 2022 12:00 2 KL:K-233 Ethical standards - wrongdoing, Final test Mgr. Jitka Mariňáková
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